MARC Records

MARC records for all Coherent databases are available as follows:

Commons databases

Please contact to receive download links for MARC records for Coherent Digital databases. We provide MARC records for every released module. Please indicate your institution and the modules you would like MARC records for. The email you receive will contain download links and example records.

For new modules in beta testing, we will provide a MARC record download link when that module comes out of beta testing.

MARC record downloads are delivered as zipped .MRC files. Inside each zip will be single .MRC file with document-level MARC records for any premium document. For non-premium content we provide an Integrating Resource record, by publisher, for any publisher with content in that module.

For modules that are being updated, we release a downloadable update every quarter with new or changed records. Annually we rebuild the complete set.

Accessible Archives

One for each publication title (magazine, newspaper, book) in the databases. You may download the MARC records from this site using FTP.

User Name: marcrecords
Password: access=archive

The zip files whose names begin with MARC_records contain the latest complete set of MARC records. Files whose names begin with new_MARC_records are for those who want to update their databases only with the MARC records which have been added of revised since the last time they updated their databases.

The zip files whose names include by_collection have a separate file for each collection.

The zip files whose names include one_file has one file with all MARC records.

Inside the zips are files with .dat extensions. These are MRC-formatted sets.