Explore our Canadian collections

Canada Commons is a project to preserve and disseminate Canadian knowledge and culture.
Created in partnership with Trojman Corporation in Toronto, Canada Commons comprises one million books, government documents, think tank publications, and primary sources from almost 5,000 Canadian organizations.
In 2024, the partnership acquired 1.5 million microfilmed pages from McLaren Micropublishing in Toronto. The extremely rare materials cover Canadian art, architecture, general history, LGBTQ history, women's history, and more.
The materials are being digitized for the first time and will form the basis of new collections available on the Canada Commons platform in 2024 and 2025.

More than 150 Canadian institutions use Canada Commons
Canada Commons is used by all kinds of libraries— academic, corporate, government, legal, and public. It brings rare, hard-to-find content from Canada that’s relevant to a wide range of studies including sociology, anthropology, business, and economics.
With Canada Commons you can...
Discover millions of Canadian documents through one site
Canada Commons makes Canadian books, government documents, think tank publications, and historical newspapers and magazines available in one, uniform site.
Save hours with a suite of search tools
With full-text searching, wildcard truncation, Boolean and proximity operators, and dozens of search filters, you’ll quickly find exactly what you’re looking for.
Uncover "lost" content
We've rescued and recovered millions of publications from defunct websites, reports removed from the web, and exclusive digitized backfiles.
Keep your research current
We add new documents every week. Follow organizations, people, topics—even your own searches—and be the first to know about new documents relevant to your research.
Publish to our community
We invite our users to upload their own content if they own the copyright, or upload links to other digital resources if they do not. We’ll enrich and index your uploaded item, give it a permanent URL, and publish it. Through our partnership with Google Scholar, your content will be discoverable to millions of researchers within days.
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