Landmark collections of primary sources, including magazines, newspapers, videos, letters, diaries, images, and ephemera. Delivered on an award-winning, next-generation platform.


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We offer affordable individual packages of all titles from North America, Europe, Africa, and South Asia.
Contact us for details.

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A wide range of purchase options includes the ability to buy individual titles. Contact us for details.

Accelerate your research with our powerful search engine

Our accessible, modern, mobile-responsive, multiple-language platform works on all browsers, with most documents loading in under one second. Our advanced search UI features full Boolean operators, NEAR proximity searches, and wildcard truncation. 

Get up close and personal with primary sources

Easily browse and identify documents through thumbnail previews in list or gallery view. Open them in our viewer to scroll seamlessly, navigate pages, rotate, adjust aspect ratios, and zoom up to a powerful 1000% for a closer examination. It’s just as if you’re working with the original documents.

Create guides and upload your own content for free

Included lesson plans, guides, and essays increase faculty engagement.

We invite our users to create, upload, and link to their own primary source materials and guides. Add permissions to them, so they’re visible to you, your institution, or the world.  We’ll also enrich and index the primary sources, give them permanent URLs, and publish within seconds. Through our partnership with Google Scholar, your materials will be discoverable to millions of historians and researchers.